Saturday, September 18, 2010

Organizational Relationships

In this weeks reading, I found many concepts interesting. One concept that caught my attention was one that I can relate to. In the book, "The Essential Guide to Group Communication" by O'Hair and Wiemann, discusses different types of communication that exist in organizations. Whether it is a relationship between superiors or subordinates, team leaders or team members and organizational departments, each person still communicates about different situations in the workplace. In my experience, working at Kaiser Permanente taught me many work ethics which consisted of communication within different departments. I worked with the Nursing Administration department, but was able to communicate other staffs from Health and Wellness, and Staff development. We had discussion on different issues, projects and how each day at the facility makes each one of us anxious to come back to work every day. Communication helps staffs work in good teams. Communication is an essential tool, especially in the workplace.

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