Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Types of Reasoning

There are many types of reasoning in a argument. Some type of reasoning may be reasoning by analogy, sign reasoning, causal reasoning, reasoning by criteria, reasoning by example, inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning. Here are examples of each reasoning:

Reasoning by analogy
Manny Pacquiao is a Filipino and Manny Pacquiao boxes.
Ivan is Filipino.
Ivan boxes.

Sign Reasoning
Rachel is not opening her door as I knock loudly, so I guess Rachel is not home.

Causal Reasoning
Passing all nursing prerequisites with good grades leads to acceptance in the nursing program.

Reasoning by Criteria
How would I know if my essay is well developed?
A well developed essay includes examples to support your thesis throughout the conclusion.

Reasoning by Examples  
You should be more social. I met a girl who was too shy and was always alone.
Inductive Reasoning
All of the fire trucks we have seen are red.
All fire trucks are red.

Deductive Reasoning
All girls have monthly periods.
Ronnie is on ther period.
Ronnie is a girl.


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